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Extends AppBundle\GatewaySDKPhp\RequestBuilder\AbstractRequestBuilder

Trait AppBundle\GatewaySDKPhp\RequestBuilder\Traits\TraitBuildParameters

Table of contents
  1. MobileidInitAuthRequestBuilder
    1. Properties
    2. Methods
      1. public withPhone(string $phone)
      2. public withCode(string $code)
      3. public withLanguage(string $language)
      4. public withMessage(string $message)
      5. public withMessageFormat(string $messageFormat)
      6. public withPeps(bool $peps)
      7. public withSanctions(bool $sanctions)
      8. public createRequest()


Visibility Type Name Description
protected String phone Phone number
protected String code Personal code
protected String language Language for messages to be displayed phone screen (default: LIT, other: ENG, RUS, EST)
protected String message Message to be displayed on phone screen
protected String messageFormat Format of the message which is displayed on the phone screen. Possible values: GSM-7 (default), UCS-2. Max characters count for GSM-7 and UCS-2 is 40 and 20 characters respectively
protected Boolean peps Whether to check PEPs information
protected Boolean sanctions Whether to check sanctions information


public withPhone(string $phone)

returns self

Sets phone

public withCode(string $code)

returns self

Sets code

public withLanguage(string $language)

returns self

Sets language

public withMessage(string $message)

returns self

Sets message

public withMessageFormat(string $messageFormat)

returns self

Sets messageFormat

public withPeps(bool $peps)

returns self

Sets peps

public withSanctions(bool $sanctions)

returns self

Sets sanctions

public createRequest()

returns AppBundle\GatewaySDKPhp\Model\RequestInterface

Creates and returns AppBundle\GatewaySDKPhp\Model\RequestInterface to be used with postRequest method.