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Initialize authentication via mobile id

Table of contents
  1. Endpoint
  2. Request body parameter description
  3. Response body parameter description
    1. Successful response
    2. Failed response
  4. Sample request
  5. Sample response
    1. Sample success response
    2. Sample failed response
  6. Implementation
    1. CURL
    2. Using php-client

This API initializes authentication via mobile id and provides a token to use in other requests.


Path (Locale: LT) /mobile/login.json
Path (Locale: EN) /en/mobile/login.json
Method POST
Request Body Schema application/json

Request body parameter description

Key Requirement Type Description
access_token Mandatory String API Access Token
phone Mandatory String Mobile phone number for which authentication is being initialized
code Mandatory String Personal code related to the phone number
language Optional String Language for messages displayed on the phone screen (default: LIT, other: ENG, RUS, EST)
message Optional String Message to be displayed on the phone screen.
message_format Optional String Format of the message which is displayed on the phone screen. Possible values: GSM-7 (default), UCS-2. Max characters count for GSM-7 and UCS-2 is 40 and 20 characters respectively.
peps Optional Boolean Whether to check PEPs information, default is false
sanctions Optional Boolean Whether to check sanctions information, default is false

Response body parameter description

Successful response

Key Type Description
status String Status of the request, ok in this case
certificate Object Certificate information of the provided phone number
code String Personal code provided in hte request
token String Unique token to be used in future request
control_code String Verification code

Failed response

Key Type Description
status String Status of the request, error in this case
message String Brief message about what is wrong
error_code Integer Unique code for the error. Error codes are listed here

Sample request

POST /en/mobile/login.json HTTP/1.1
Host: app.marksign.local
Content-Type: application/json

  "access_token": "52900c96-3f60-5307-3719-5948f0191da6",
  "phone": "+37269000366",
  "code": "60001017705",
  "language": "ENG",
  "message": "any message",
  "message_format": "GSM-7",
  "peps": true,
  "sanctions": true

Sample response

Sample success response

  "status": "ok",
  "certificate": {
    "name": "/C=EE/CN=TESTNUMBER,TEN,60001017705/SN=TESTNUMBER/GN=TEN/serialNumber=PNOEE-60001017705",
    "subject": {
      "country": "EE",
      "organisation": null,
      "organisation_unit": null,
      "common_name": "TESTNUMBER,TEN,60001017705",
      "surname": "TESTNUMBER",
      "name": "TEN",
      "serial_number": "PNOEE-60001017705"
    "issuer": {
      "country": "EE",
      "organisation": "AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus",
      "common_name": "TEST of ESTEID-SK 2015"
    "valid_from": "2020-11-13",
    "valid_to": "2025-11-12",
    "value": "TUlJRnZEQ0NBNlNnQXdJQkFnSVFUNnM1QU1GN1VncGZybytaam..........QxdnNBWmVZRGlveURtejVEaVg5QUlPWUtkWVhxOGZRT2k3ND0="
  "code": "60001017705",
  "token": "381ed84f-0851-ce1e-a048-fa1e13a53bba",
  "control_code": "6223"

Please note that some json values have been truncated in the previous example.

Sample failed response

  "status": "error",
  "message": "Invalid parameter [message_format]: Invalid message format",
  "error_code": 40001



curl --location --request POST 'https://app.marksign.local/en/mobile/login.json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "access_token": "52900c96-3f60-5307-3719-5948f0191da6",
  "phone": "+37269000366",
  "code": "60001017705",
  "language": "ENG",
  "message": "any message",
  "message_format": "GSM-7",
  "peps": true,
  "sanctions": true

Using php-client

To use the php-client, please follow the installation and basic usage here, and use AppBundle\GatewaySDKPhp\RequestBuilder\MobileidInitAuthRequestBuilder as request builder.

 * The token in response ($initAuthResArray['token'] in this example),
 * might need to be saved for future purposes.
$initAuthReq = (new MobileidInitAuthRequestBuilder)
$initAuthRes = $client->postRequest($initAuthReq);
$initAuthResArray = $initAuthRes->toArray();